Check the technical data of the unit, picked out from the catalog of IVECO Stralis 400 Dropside/ Flatbed truck.
Look at the technical data of the unit.
The year of production is 2006.
Gross Vehicle Weight: 26000 kg.
Engine details/gearing and fuel type: Euro 3, diesel, displacement: 10308 cc, 400 hp, gearbox: manual.
The details on axles, suspension and euro norm include: 6x2, 3-axle, ABS, trailer coupling.
Driving cab specifics: cab type: sleeper cab, air conditioner, parking heater, cruise control.
Body dimensions and options: loading length: 6520 mm, loading width: 2470 mm, loading height: 800 mm.
The mileage is 491134 km.
The unit’s location is in Czech Republic.
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